Tag Archive: Corinthians

Day 29, Be: Vocal

When we truly love our neighbor as we love ourselves, we cannot help but proclaim this life-saving Word to them.

Read: 1 Corinthians 13

Ask Yourself & Journal:

•  Select three of these characteristics of love that you can work on developing during the next week.

Well, the first two are not exactly my strong points so I’ll be working on patience and kindness.  The third one that I need to make more a part of my life is to not be irritable.  I probably need to focus more than a week on these qualities.

•  Do you find yourself expressing your love for Jesus in the same way that you express your love for people (and vice versa)?

No, I think at times I treat people as is they should always act, think and walk life Jesus.  I do this more not because I’m judging, but because the way Jesus lived and walked his life makes sense to me.  So, people living any other way (especially believers) seems, to me, an illogical way to live.  That’s where I don’t express love in Jesus way, but in a religious way.  Also, I can be honest with Christ.  I feel like I can’t always be this way with people even though I’m getting better about this.

•  Think of one person in your world whom you would characterize as “loving.”  Explain why you attribute that quality to this person.

I don’t want to name this person, first of all ’cause I think they’d be embarrassed and second of all out of respect for them.  But I attribute this quality to this person because he is positive no matter what.  And I mean no matter what!  Sometimes, when I see this person they’ve been working hard and seem to be worn out, yet will always respond with concern with how your day is going.  Even when you give him what ordinarily would be categorized as bad news, he get’s excited and sees it as an opportunity.  Basically, he and the other people who I’d define as “loving” usually never live for themselves.  The ALWAYS live for others.

Listen & Pray:  JESUS my EVERYTHING, talking about my faith should never feel like a duty or obligation. I cannot help but proclaim how much I love You and how You have changed my life. I want to make an effort in every conversation to leave room for expressing the joy and sense of security that flow from my relationship with You.

Day 16, Be: Intentional

Our thoughts are just like a train; they always take us somewhere.

Read: II Corinthians 10:3-6

Ask Yourself & Journal:

•  Think of one challenge in your life right now. Where are your thoughts about it taking you? Are you headed for a train wreck?

I’ve been trying to get off a particular train for the past few months.  Though more of  a “physical train” it’s also a “thought train” inasmuch as my thoughts are an important factor in the struggle.  The challenge has been my sleep schedule.  Now, I’m a night owl.  I always have been.  It worked through high school and my 20’s, but lately it’s been an issue.  I consider it part of my man-child issues I’m getting around to confronting.  It’s affected previous jobs and nearly gotten me in hot-water with the present one.  Yes, this is a challenge of the flesh, but I haven’t been able to make any progress in this area until I made a conscientiously mindful decision to submit the issue to the Lord.  In other words, I’m having to be violent with it like in II Corinthians 10.  “For though [I] walk in the flesh, [I am] not waging war according to the flesh.”  Deep down I’ve tolerated the behavior and deep down I must acquiesce if I’m going to see any change.

•  Can you think of any “platforms” you need to stay away from, as there always seem to be trains passing by that are headed in the wrong direction?

I addressed one of those platforms in the first question.  Another platform, and one I’ve mentioned before, is something I know all guys struggle with (and there’s a growing trend of ladies who struggle with this too): sexual sin.  From porn, masturbation (we’re adults, so kid gloves are off folks), steamy movies you know better than to watch, billboards, magazines, TV commercials—it’s everywhere.  Talk about trains that always seem to be passing by, waiting on this platform is like waiting for a bullet train that is going to take you to an unwanted destination pronto.  So sometimes, I make extreme choices: I avoid glancing at the magazines in the checkout line, skipping out on the next comedy that friends say doesn’t have that much nudity and sex in it, and changing the channel when the latest bikini, beer or Victoria’s secret commercial assaults the screen between my favorite show.  I don’t do it to be religious.  It’s just, I’ve been there.  I’ve experienced the destruction it can do.  Fighting is worth every inch.  I’d rather be the attacker of my sin than the defender against it.  Whatever “platform” you struggle with, if you don’t make a decisive choice every day to submit it to Christ (on the good and bad days), YOU WILL LOSE.

• List three things that help you choose the right trains of thought.

1.  Accountability (An unwillingness to be accountable is PRIDE.  Find a trusted friend you can be open with.) 
2. Scripture & vocally claiming the Truth of God’s promises no matter the circumstance.
3. Christ-Centered Community

Listen & Pray: JESUS my ROCK, at times I have allowed my thoughts to travel down a random track and end up with negative scenarios that will never actually happen. I resolve to keep getting on the right train of thought. Through You, I must “come to my senses,” take every thought captive to obey You, and begin to think as You think.